Everything Else Playing With The Big Boys

Playing With the Big Boys: Burghley!

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 13.16.07So today is the day. I’m sat eating my breakfast on the morning we leave for Burghley. I can’t believe how quickly it has come around!
We spent a fair few hours yesterday getting the wagon cleaned and packed. If anyone is at Burghley and runs out of food/wine/soft drinks come see us – we have got enough to feed an army!!
Our wagon isn’t the usual ‘4* wagon’ so we have to be quite organised for 3 of us and Jake (the lab) to sleep in it. Luckily we seem to have learnt what to take to a 3 day – our first 3 day at Osberton was a bit of a nightmare as we forgot so much stuff! This time we are very organised – my mum has even packed a plant for the table outside – apparently all the big wagons have one and she wants to try and fit in!!
This week has been pretty chilled for Siren and I as I continued to try and keep him in the same routine. We have hacked, had a final gallop and jump and practice the dressage a few times.
We have had a few articles in local papers this week, very odd seeing yourself! Horse and hound also summed us up very well saying ‘a clear cross country round would mean the world to this pair’ – it certainly would! Unfortunately they chose to use a picture where I look like a 14 year old boy.
Oddly enough the dressage is the phase that worries me the most, as so many people will be watching and criticising. He has improved greatly and I’m hoping I can contain him and get a nice test out of him.
So what’s our plan for Burghley? – I keep being asked. My answer – to come home safe and enjoy. We will be going carefully around the XC with an aim to get around. We will probably take a few longer routes, and I will be trying my utmost to get him home happy and safe – only fair when I know Siren will do everything in his power to get me home safe.
I will try do a blog or two when I’m there, but I can’t make any promises when we have so much wine to drink – but I will take lots of photos and do one when I get home.
Thank you for all your support and messages, it means a lot.
Charlotte and Super Si

About the author



  • Charlotte, you are a breath of fresh air to the eventing world. I’m routing for you all the way. Too many people take competing far too seriously and forget to enjoy it. After being the owner of various horses without ‘impeccable breeding’ and being judged before by snobs telling me just ‘how well’ their horses are bred. I love that Siren has proved everyone wrong to be where he is and it’s very doubtful he’d have achieved any of it with out you. So well done and though I hope you do well, mostly I hope you have the time of your life competing in your first 4* event!